
About Us

communication service

Turlington Holdings is a social and public relations firm specializing in all things related to PR. We provide an extensive, strategic approach to manage your communications services and needs. We develop compelling content and intensely pitch media, all while creatively engaging your image with the community. In extension to shaping thought leaders, we develop buzz and assist you to think outside the box.

Why Turlington Holdings?

We have assisted clients of all sizes and shapes to find success. Success by developing relationships with new businesses and people, success with editorial coverage and success with developing a well-thought-out business and communications plan!

Our expert professionals are imaginative, vivid, quirky, skilled, and very knowledgeable. What makes a creative business thrive is the thrill that drives it and our passion is our customers - watching YOU grow is not only fun, but it's very rewarding.

Our Approach

Our customers range from hospitality groups to restaurants, to boutiques, hotels, fitness studios, beauty products, adult beverages, financial institutions, residential living and new development, architectural landscape and design companies, to startups, artists, and local nonprofits.

Each of our customers has one thing in common; they need assistance with communicating their brand and standing out. We are part of your unit, driving strategy and hiring innovative ideas to accomplish your goals.